Member Blog
Our member blogs capture a series of approaches from English teachers and academics to support members in developing their approach in the classroom. Departmental teams can print, share and discuss these articles as subject CPD.
Do you have a particular approach that you would like to share? Perhaps a particular area of subject knowledge or your experience of teaching a specific text or genre? Maybe a perspective piece for fellow Heads of Department colleagues? We would love to hear from you and share with the community. Read our blog guidance before getting in touch.
‘If it be not now, yet it will come — the readiness is all’: GCSE English reform
John Murphy is Litdrive’s Regional Lead for the South. Hailing from Ireland, John is Head of English, teaching KS3 to KS5, in Southampton....
Balancing prescriptivism with descriptivism at KS5
In this new series from Litdrive, we will be bringing you short form blog posts that you can read in under three minutes. Whether you are...
Word Building Blocks: How Etymology and Morphology Aid Vocabulary Learning
In this new series from Litdrive, we will be bringing you short form blog posts that you can read in under three minutes. Whether you are...
Powerful Extracts: A Prologue with Punch
In a new series from Litdrive, we will be bringing you short form blog posts that you can read in under three minutes. Whether you are an...
Building ‘Thinking Ratio’ to impact the quality of ‘Participation Ratio’
Matt Lynch is a teacher of English at a school in the North West. He has been a teacher for 28 years, was a Head of Faculty for 10 years,...
If Curriculum is the Car, is Literacy the Key?
Laura is a teacher of English and former Head of Department at a school on the North East Coast of England. For the past 3 years, she has...
Checking for understanding over time: a case study
Miriam Hussain is a Director and Teacher of English within a Trust in the West Midlands. She is also a Curriculum Associate and Ambassador...
Rereading point of view in stories
Chloe Harrison is Senior Lecturer in English Language and Literature at Aston University and Programme Director for the MA English...
The Importance of Subject Specific Mentoring for English ECTs
By Haili Hughes With 16 years teaching experience and her current university role in ITE delivering the ECF and NPQs, Haili has a thorough...
Developing subject knowledge as a departmental team | Nikki Carlin
Our blog post for this newsletter comes from Nikki Carlin. She is Director of English at her school. She is also the founder of...
Never Let Me Go as a modern text choice | Davina Canham
Davina Canham has taught for almost twenty years, both in the UK and abroad. Following her role as Lead Practitioner, she is now Head of...